Control for InfoEasy - Install

  1. 1) Find the latest versjon of Aritma Control

    2) Choose the right integration

    3) Set correct filepath

    Use UNC path for “Applikasjonsdatakatalog”


    For NEW installations - registry will not be correct.

    Vitec InfoEasy ERP
    BankX not installed!

    Is there a old registry avaliable?
    If yes - Export and then Import registry

    Here is an example for a bankX registry - alle the settings here is probably not necessary:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    "Directory"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BankX"
    "Uninstaller"="C:\\Windows\\BankX Uninstaller.exe"
    "PROGRAMPATH"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BankX\\"

    Save the file under on the users computer - dobbelclick on the file.
    Confirm that the settings will be saved

IMPORTANT - You cannot use this file without adjusting the settings: servername, SQL passord and so on.

Registry settings file: bankx_infoeasy.reg